Caring For Our Environment Isn’t Optional

I’m on a (low-carbon) holiday for the next while, with little access to a computer, so please accept my apologies for delayed responses or posting of comments. All should be back to normal the last week of March. In the meantime, I scoured my files for some photos and graphics to post while I’m away – this one was probably from last year’s U.S. election. Sadly, the sentiment is as accurate in 2013 as it was then.

the environment matters because it's yr real future


2 thoughts on “Caring For Our Environment Isn’t Optional”

  1. It’s not restricted just to Republicans, but anyone who holds the fusionism / free-market ideology above question.

    In short, that mentality is short-sighted; they are concerned only with their personal “freedom”, the land within their boundaries, their money and (after all that) their immediate family. It’s all; me, me, ME! Infantile to say the least…

    Any evidence that stresses regulation / restriction to the individual for communal prosperity (and ultimately their own prosperity) fails to gain audience to such a manic self-interested personality.

    Effective environmental management is beyond question. There is no difference between maintaining a health, rich environment and ensuring a life-support system for a seriously ill-patient is in working order simply because there is no fundamental difference. Our environments are our life-support system.

  2. A ten-fold increase in Katrina-like storm surges is something we should all care about – Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Green, Republicans and Democrates. That’s what is projected with a 2 degree C warming.


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