It’s Time For the Silent Majority To Speak Up, The Eyes Of The Future Are On Us

As part of the 24 Hours of Climate Reality, this video was put together to remind us – parents, children, young adults, grandparents concerned about the environmental crisis our world is facing – that the voice of the people is the strongest thing, stronger than any other special interest or power, and that when people stand together and draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough, change will happen. We can look to Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement, the Berlin wall, and Egypt’s Tahrir Square. These, and many others throughout history, are examples where people stood up for change, for what was right, against huge obstacles, and change happened. Are you ready to become part of a not-so-silent majority, who will demand accountability and change from our elected officials?


*thanks to Sherry over at One Earth To Live for the link to the video!

More links:

Al Gore & I

Al Gore Addresses The World With The Truth